Any "Deep Work" by Cal Newport followers?

I periodically listen to the Deep Work podcast, and believe that it has as many good ideas about modern productivity as any source out there.

Cal has a lot of smart advice about planning goals from a place of imagining your perfect future situation. He talks about how this prevents the common trap of pursuing your passion, which leads people in directions that ultimately won't be compatible with the ideal lifestyle that one hopes to arrive at.

Why am I posting this to the Plugin forum? Because Cal has repeatedly talked about his quarterly planning system, and there are a lot of moving pieces that go in to the documents he recommends creating. If someone has time to find or prepare a recipe for how he recommends propagating lifestyle-centric goals to quarterly goals to monthly goals to a weekly a plan, with such a document I believe we could create a plugin that would help to build a proposed weekly schedule from the planning documents that one prepares.

We would certainly be open to funding the development of a plugin that helped users effectively implement Cal's planning system. I've emailed Cal's team, and they said they were open to mentioning Amplenote on the (very popular) podcast if the end product that we produce is something that their audience would benefit from.

Step one is to enumerate exactly how the pieces fit together, so we can brainstorm how a plugin would help users in the process both generating the pieces and translating them to practical, daily recommendations. Anyone got interest and bandwidth to help enumerate the pieces in a published note?

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