The Amplenote Desktop App

A smoother, speedier workflow

Break free from browser limitations and speed up your productivity with the beta-release Amplenote desktop app.

A Pro, Unlimited, or Founder subscription is required to run the desktop app.

Read the installation and system requirements.

Reserved for Paying Subscribers

The desktop app is available for Amplenote subscribers at the Pro, Unlimited, and Founder levels.

Development costs for building and maintaining the desktop experiences are directly funded from these subscription fees. Users with free personal plans can upgrade their account from the Plans page to access this feature and other subscription-only benefits.

View Amplenote plans

Can't afford a subscription?

Get involved with community activities to earn credits and upgrade your account at no cost to you.

Explore the free upgrade options

Get the best Amplenote desktop experience

Quicker performance

Boost your productivity with faster load times for your notes and tasks.

Independence from browsers

Eliminate the browser constraints of web apps and run Amplenote from your machine.

Local data storage

Keep all your notes, tasks, and attachments (PDFs, images) synced to to a directory on your computer.

Working on the go?

The Amplenote mobile apps are available for all account levels.