Plugin API Reference Documentation

If you're interested in building plugins (even if only for your own use) and would be interested in a chance to influence the plugin system, feel free to email from the email address associated with your account. Feedback can be provided in the #plugin-atelier channel on our discord.

Amplenote provides support for client-side plugins that execute in the application on all platforms, allowing for enhancement of the default client behavior. A plugin is defined by a single note in a user's account - as the note is changed and updated, the plugin will be updated as well.

This document provides an overview of what plugins are capable of, and describes the available options for plugins. Related help pages that may be of use to plugin authors include:

Guide to getting started writing plugins, a page to help writing your first plugin.

How to apply markdown formatting explains how to produce colored text, line breaks, Rich Footnotes, tables, etc via the Plugin API's functions

This page is the most comprehensive reference guide of Plugin API functionality. Its sections are as follows:

linkPlugin creation

To create a plugin, you'll need a note that contains two things: a table of plugin information, and a code block containing the Javascript code of the plugin.

linkMetadata table

A plugin metadata table contains (at least) two columns: the name of the setting, and a value for the setting.

setting name

setting value

The setting name is not case sensitive. All columns are interpreted as strings.


The only required setting is the name of the plugin, which can be defined as:


Plugin name here

This is the name that the user will see when invoking the plugin, and will be used as a prefix in cases where the plugin defines multiple options presented to the user.


The name of a Material Design Icon that will be used to identify the plugin. If not provided, a generic "extension" icon will be used.




A short description shown when installing or configuring a plugin.


Count the number of words in a note.


More detailed information about using the plugin that will be shown if the plugin is published to the Plugin Directory.


Here are some helpful words of advice on using this plugin:
1. Instruction one
2. Instruction two
3. Instruction three


Defines settings that the user can provide to configure the plugin. The user will be able to supply a string for each setting when configuring the note as a plugin. When plugin code is invoked, it has access to the settings values that the user has provided. All setting values are provided as strings.



This setting name can be repeated multiple times to define multiple settings.






The first code block in the note will be used as the plugin's code. Any subsequent code blocks will be ignored. The plugin code should define a Javascript object. Any functions defined on this object that match the name of an action will register the plugin to handle that action.

insertText(app) {
return "Hello World!"

To define multiple actions for a single action type, make the action-named field an object. The keys should be the name of the action, with the corresponding function as the value.

insertText: {
"one word": function(app) {
return "hello";
"two words": function(app) {
return "hello world";

Plugin actions can either be a function - as shown above - or an object with run and check keys with functions as the values (see actions section for further explanation):

insertText: {
check(app) {
return true;
run(app) {
return "Hello World!";


insertText: {
"one word": {
check(app) {
return true;
run(app) {
return "hello";
"two words": function() {
check(app) {
return true;
run(app) {
return "hello world";

When plugin code is invoked, the plugin object will be this, for example:

insertText(app) {
return this._text();
_text() {
return "hello world";

The plugin object will be instantiated when the plugin is installed in the client, retaining any state until it is reloaded (e.g. due to the plugin code being changed in the source note).

insertText(app) {
return "hello " + this._counter;
_counter: 0,

Plugin action functions (both run and check) can return promises, which will be awaited.

insertText: {
check(app) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
}).then(function() {
return true;
run(app) {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
}).then(function() {
return "hello world, eventually";

Or, they can use async/await syntax:

insertText: {
async check(app) {
await new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, 2000); });
return true;
async run(app) {
await new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, 2000); });
return "hello world, eventually";

The first argument passed to a plugin action function is an application interface object that can be used to access settings and call into the host application itself.

linkAccessing settings

Given a plugin with the following metadata table entry:



A plugin can access the setting through app.settings:

insertText(app) {
return app.settings["API Key"];

linkAction function arguments

For action functions that receive arguments, the app argument will still be the first argument, before any other arguments:

replaceText(app, text) {
return text + " more";

When using check and run functions, they will receive the same arguments as the action would. So for the linkOption action, for example:

linkOption: {
check(app, link) {
return true;
run(app, link) {


Plugin actions are the interaction points that define how a plugin's code gets called. Actions functions that return values can either return the value directly, or return a Promise that resolves to the value when ready. All action functions are passed an App Interface object as the first argument.

Each action can optionally define a check function that will be called before displaying the plugin to the user in the context of the specific action. The check function receives the same arguments as the plugin action (run) function, and returns a boolean indicating whether the plugin should be displayed or not. Returning a promise that resolves to the boolean is supported, and will show a loading indicator to the user in most cases. Note, however, that the user may no longer be viewing the plugin action context when an asynchronous check completed (e.g. if the user dismisses the menu the plugin action would be listed in).


Adds app-wide options that can be invoked from the "jump to note" (web) or quick search (mobile app) dialogs.




appOption(app) {


Adds an option to the suggestions shown below today's daily jot note in jots mode, with a button to run the plugin action. Implementing a check function is advisable to conditionally show the option, otherwise it will always be shown to the user.


noteHandle noteHandle of the daily jot note that the option is being shown in



dailyJotOption(app, noteHandle) {

To customize the text shown on the "Run" button, return a non-empty string from the plugin action's check function:

dailyJotOption: {
check(app, noteHandle) {
return "Do something"; // Return `null`, `false`, or `""` to not show plugin
run(app, noteHandle) {


Adds an option to the popup menu shown for events (tasks and scheduled bullets) on the calendar.


taskUUID String identifier for the task or scheduled bullet the menu is being shown for.



async eventOption(app, taskUUID) {
const task = await app.getTask(taskUUID);
if (task.startAt) {
// Change scheduled start time by one hour
await app.updateTask(taskUUID, { startAt: task.startAt + 3600 });


Adds an option to the drop-down menu on each image in a note.


image image object describing the selected image



See also

app.context.updateImage to update the properties of the image

async imageOption(app, image) {
await app.alert("image: " + image.src);


Called to insert text at a specific location in a note, when using an {expression}.



String new text to insert in the note in place of the {expression}

insertText(app) {
return "hello world";

The auto-complete menu for expression will include any installed plugins:

The plugin's insertText action will be called to replace the {Test Plugin} expression, where "Test Plugin" is the configured plugin name.

To use a different keyword than the plugin's name, return a string from the check function:

insertText: {
check(app) {
return "keyword";
run(app) {
return "hello world";


Adds a button to the Rich Footnote popup, shown when the cursor is in a specific link.


link link object describing the link the action was triggered from



linkOption(app, link) {
const newDescription = (link.description || "") + "\n\nmore";
app.context.updateLink({ description: newDescription });


A plugin's linkTarget action will be called when a plugin link (plugin://<plugin UUID>) is clicked/pressed, either via the link icon in a note or the link icon/text in a Rich Footnote popup. A plugin's UUID is included in all actions as app.context.pluginUUID.


(optional) String query string included in the plugin link URL, not including the leading ?, e.g. "something" for "plugin://<plugin UUID>?something"



async linkTarget(app, ...args) {
await app.alert("link " + JSON.stringify(args));

The plugin can then be triggered from a link:

To insert a link, use any app function that can receive markdown:

async insertText(app) {
await app.context.replaceSelection(`[plugin link](plugin://${ app.context.pluginUUID }?blah`);
return null;


Adds options to the per-note menu, shown when editing a specific note.


noteUUID the UUID of the note that the menu option was invoked in



noteOption(app, noteUUID) {


Called when code running in an embed that was rendered by this plugin (see renderEmbed) calls window.callAmplenotePlugin.


...args any arguments passed to window.callAmplenotePlugin - note that these arguments are serialized to JSON then deserialized to Javascript values, so they should be able to round-trip through a JSON serialize/deserialize.


Any Javascript value that can be serialized as JSON, which will be deserialized before it is resolved as the result of the promise returned by window.callAmplenotePlugin in the embed.

onEmbedCall(app, ...args) {
console.log("onembedcall", args)
return 42;

See calling the plugin from the embed for a more detailed example.


Called when an embed assigned to the plugin needs to render HTML. Embeds are HTML documents loaded in an isolated iFrame that does not have access to the outer application, and operates with relaxes CSP rules compared to the outer application. Once rendered, an embed will stay loaded / running until the user navigates away from the note containing the embed or closes the Peek Viewer (for sidebar embeds).


...args any additional arguments passed to app.openSidebarEmbed. For embeds inline in note content, you can pass arguments using this syntax.


String of HTML that will be loaded in the embed

renderEmbed(app, ...args) {
return "<b>hello</b> from a plugin";

linkInserting embeds in notes

Embeds are supported in markdown as <object> HTML tags with a specific protocol specified in the data attribute. To insert an embed in a specific location in a note, an insertText action can be used:

async insertText(app) {
// `app.context.pluginUUID` is always supplied - it is the UUID of the plugin note
await app.context.replaceSelection(`<object data="plugin://${ app.context.pluginUUID }" data-aspect-ratio="2" />`);
return null;

By default, plugin embeds render in a fixed 1:1 aspect ratio (width == height). An aspect ratio can be supplied in the data-aspect-ratio attribute, as shown in the code above, dictating the desired width/height for the embed.

Alternatively, any app call that can receive markdown can be used to add embeds to note content. Note that embeds aren't valid in all locations (e.g. they can't be inserted in tasks), so the embed object might be placed after a task if it is included in the body of the task, or dropped in cases where there isn't a valid insertion position nearby.

linkInline embeds with parameters

will call embedPlugin like this

renderEmbed(app, "something=1&else=2")

linkCalling the plugin from the embed

The code running in the embed can call out to the plugin itself, and the plugin code can return values back to the embed from this call. Within the embed itself, a call can be made to the controlling plugin (the plugin that renderEmbed was called on) by using window.callAmplenotePlugin:

window.callAmplenotePlugin("test", 1, [ 2, 3 ]).then(result => {
console.log("gots", result);

Any arguments will be passed to the plugin's onEmbedCall after the app argument.

Putting together onEmbedCall and window.callAmplenotePlugin, we can implement a basic plugin that renders an embed with a button. When the button is clicked, the embed calls into the plugin to show the user a prompt, returning the result to the embed:

renderEmbed(app, ...args) {
return `
<b>hello</b> from a plugin <button>call host</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
var button = document.querySelector("button");
button.addEventListener("click", function() {
window.callAmplenotePlugin().then(result => {
button.textContent = "Got: " + result;
async onEmbedCall(app, ...args) {
return await app.prompt("enter something");

Upon clicking the "call host" button:

After clicking "submit":


Called to replace some highlighted text, invoked via the selection menu.


text the String of selected text


String new text to replace the selected text with

null to cancel the replacement. Note that the replacement will also be cancelled if the user changes the selection before this action returns a value.

replaceText(app, text) {
return "new text";

To use a different keyword than the plugin's name, return a string from the check function:

replaceText: {
check(app, text) {
return "some text";
run(app, text) {
return "new text";

This code will result in the returned check function text being displayed to the user:


Adds options to the task commands menu (invoked when typing ! in the body of a task).


task the task the option was invoked on



taskOption(app, task) {


When plugin settings are saved, this presents an opportunity to ensure that the settings are correctly set up, e.g. if the user is entering an API key for a third-party service, it can be validated to present the user with a message if it is not a valid API key.


app App Interface - note that is is a very limited app interface, without the vast majority of the typical app interface functions

settings the settings Object that has been saved. Note that app.settings will reflect any changes as well, matching this argument.


An array of strings describing issues with the settings, or any false-y value to indicate that there are no problems with the settings.

validateSettings(app, settings) {
return [ "Settings are not valid" ];

linkApp Interface

The app interface provides the means of interacting with the application. It is passed to all plugin action functions as the first argument. All app interface functions should be considered asynchronous, returning a Promise that will either resolve to the result, or reject if there is an error.


Add a tag to a note.


noteHandle identifying the note to add the tag to

String text of the tag to add - note that this will be normalized to conform to allowed tag names (lowercase, dashes), if it is not a valid tag name


boolean indicating whether the tag was added. In some cases, shared tags cannot be added to notes - and this will return false.


If the given tag argument is not a string

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const added = await app.addNoteTag({ uuid: noteUUID }, "some-tag");
await app.alert(added ? "Tag added" : "Failed to add tag");


Ensure the specified note is included in the specified task domain. If the note is already included in the task domain by virtue of a tag the note has, the note will be included directly in the task domain such that removing the tag from the note will leave it in the task domain.


String task domain UUID, which can be obtained by calling app.getTaskDomains

noteHandle identifying the note to add to the task domain. Will not create a new note if the note handle describes a note that does not yet exist.


boolean indicating whether the note was added to the task domain (or is already included in the task domain). A return value of false generally indicates an issue with the note handle (e.g. it identifies a note that doesn't exist, is malformed, etc).


If the given task domain UUID does not correspond to any task domain

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const taskDomains = await app.getTaskDomains();
const taskDomain = taskDomains[0];
const added = await app.addTaskDomainNote(taskDomain.uuid, { uuid: noteUUID });
await app.alert(added ? "Note added to first task domain" : "Failed to add note");


Show the user a message. The name of the plugin is shown in the title of the dialog. Similar to app.prompt, except that this doesn't offer inputs, and instead offers "actions", which are buttons the user can pick at the bottom of the notification.


message the String to show the user. Use "\n" to output new lines. Unicode characters are supported. Markdown is not (yet).

(optional) object describing additional options, containing any of the following properties:

actions optional Array of action objects that will be added as buttons on the dialog. Each action object can have the following properties:

icon optional String name of a Material Icon to show on the button

label the String text to show on the button

value optional value (of any basic JS type) that will be returned when the action is triggered, instead of the index in the actions array

preface a String to show before the main message

primaryAction an object describing the presentation of the rightmost button on the dialog (the "DONE" button), with the following properties:

icon optional String name of a Material Icon to show on the button

label the String text to show on the button

scrollToEnd a boolean indicating whether the message shown to the user should be scrolled down so the end is visible, if it is long enough that the alert dialog has a scrollbar


null if the user dismisses the dialog

-1 if the user presses the "DONE" button (or the primaryAction button, if supplied)

If options.actions is provided:

The integer index corresponding to the action the user selected, or - if the selected action includes a value key, the value associated with the value key.

noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
app.alert("This is an alert");

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const actionIndex = await app.alert("This is an alert", {
actions: [
{ icon: "post_add", label: "Insert in note" }
if (actionIndex === 0) {
// "Insert in note"


Upload a media file, associating it with a the specified note. This function uploads the file directly, so the user must be online for it to work, and it may take a long time, depending on the size of the media and connectivity.


noteHandle describing the note to attach the media to

dataURL a data URL describing the media file data


String URL of uploaded media


If the media file is too large, or otherwise not allowed

If there are network errors that prevent upload

async insertText(app) {
const noteHandle = { uuid: app.context.noteUUID };
const response = await fetch("");
const blob = await response.blob();
const dataURL = await this._dataURLFromBlob(blob);
const fileURL = await app.attachNoteMedia(noteHandle, dataURL);
app.context.replaceSelection(`![](${ fileURL })`);
return null;
_dataURLFromBlob(blob) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = event => {
reader.onerror = function(event) {


Provides details about where the plugin action was invoked, and allows for interaction at that location.

link object describing properties of the link the plugin action was invoked from, e.g. for insertText or replaceText actions. Will be undefined if the plugin action was not invoked from a context where the selection is in a link.


The String UUID of the note the plugin action was invoked from. This will include the note UUID that a task is in when invoking an action (e.g. insertText or replaceText) in the tasks view, or other editable task lists.


The String UUID of the plugin itself - this is the note UUID of the plugin note.


Replaces the selection with markdown content. This function will not be present for plugin actions that are not invoked with a user selection/cursor placed in a note - i.e. it is only defined for insertText and replaceText plugin actions. Note that the user can navigate away from a note while a plugin action is executing, in which case, calling this function is not guaranteed to do anything.


String of markdown content to replace the selection with


boolean indicating if the given markdown content replaced the selection. Returns false if the selection has been completely removed from the note, or if the markdown content can't be inserted at the current location (e.g. a table in a task).


If the context in which the selection existed is no longer available, e.g. the note is completely closed

async insertText(app) {
const replacedSelection = await app.context.replaceSelection("**new content**");
if (replacedSelection) {
return null;
} else {
return "plain text"; // Fall back in cases where the markdown content wouldn't be valid at the selection position


When invoked from an editor context, the markdown representation of the content that is currently selected.


If the plugin action was invoked from a position in a task, this will be the String UUID of the task in question.

insertText(app) {
return app.context.taskUUID || "not in a task";


If the plugin action was invoked on an image (i.e. imageOption actions), can be called to update image properties.

async imageOption(app, image) {
await app.context.updateImage({ caption: "and " + image.caption.toString() });


If the plugin action was invoked in a link, can be called to update link properties.

async replaceText(app) {
if (app.context.updateLink) {
const newDescription = ( || "") + "\nmore";
app.context.updateLink({ description: newDescription });
return null;


Create a new note, optionally specifying a name and/or tags to apply.


name - optional String name to give the new note

tags - optional Array of String tag names to apply to the new note


uuid of the newly created note. This is typically a local-prefixed UUID that may change once persisted to the remote servers, but can continue to be used on the same client to identify the note. Calling app.findNote with this uuid will return a noteHandle with a non-local-prefixed UUID if the note has since completed persistence.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const uuid = await app.createNote("some new note", [ "some-tag" ]);


Delete a note. Users can restore deleted notes for 30 days after they are first deleted.


noteHandle describing the note to delete


Boolean indicating whether the note described by the noteHandle exists such that it can be deleted.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
await app.deleteNote({ uuid: noteUUID });


Evaluates a string expression, using the same logic used to evaluate in-editor {expressions}.


string the expression to evaluate


string or number result of the expression, or null if the expression is not valid

async appOption(app) {
const result = await app.evaluateExpression("tomorrow");
await app.alert("Result: " + result);


Find noteHandles for all notes matching a set of filter criteria.


(optional) object describing filter parameters, containing any of the following properties:

group - filter group to apply. This corresponds to the group= query string parameter when viewing and filtering on a specific group or set of groups. Multiple groups can be specified with a , separator.

query - String fuzzy search term to filter matching notes on. Note that this is not full-text search, and matches the behavior of not suggestion UI that matches on note names.

tag - tag filter to apply. This corresponds to the tag= query string parameter when viewing and filtering on a specific tag or set of tags. Multiple tags can be specified with a , separator - matching notes must have all specified tags. A tag prefixed with ^ will only match notes that do not have the tag.


{ tag: "daily-jots" }

{ tag: "daily-jots,todo" } - matches notes that have the daily-jots tag and the todo tag.

{ tag: "daily-jots,^todo/next" } - matches notes that have the daily-jots tag and do not have the todo/next tag.


An array of noteHandles for all notes that match the filter parameters.

async insertText(app) {
const noteHandles = await app.filterNotes({ tag: "daily-jots" });
return `note count: ${ noteHandles.length }`;


Returns a noteHandle identifying a note, with additional note metadata attributes populated, if the note is extant and not marked as deleted. In addition to verifying whether a note exists, this can be used to fill in some additional details for a note, e.g. if the plugin only has a noteUUID it can call this to get the name and tags applied to the note.


noteHandle identifying the note to find, considering the following attributes:

uuid the UUID identifying a specific note - if provided, the other attributes will be ignored.

name String name of the note to find. If uuid is not provided, this must be supplied.

tags optional Array of tag filter Strings that the note must match, in addition to the name. Each array entry can be the name of a tag e.g. [ "some-tag" ] or can include a negation operator to only match notes that don't have that tag, e.g. [ "^not-this-tag" ]


noteHandle of the note, or null if the note does not exist or has been marked as deleted

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const noteHandle = await app.findNote({ uuid: noteUUID });


Given the UUID of an attachment, returns a temporary URL that can be used to access the attachment. The client must be online for this function to succeed.


String attachment UUID identifying the attachment


String temporary URL that can be used to access the attachment content

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const attachments = await app.getNoteAttachments({ uuid: noteUUID });
if (attachments.length > 0) {
const attachmentURL = await app.getAttachmentURL(attachments[0].uuid);
await app.alert("URL: " + attachmentURL);
} else {
await app.alert("Note doesn't have any attachments");

linkExample: reading attachment content

Note that the web environment plugin code executes in requires a server to respond with CORS headers, and the attachments server does not add these headers for the plugin code origin. The attachments server address is allowed through a plugin CORS proxy that adds the appropriate headers, so it can be used to fetch attachment data.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const attachments = await app.getNoteAttachments({ uuid: noteUUID });
if (attachments.length === 0) {
await app.alert("Note doesn't have any attachments");
const attachmentURL = await app.getAttachmentURL(attachments[0].uuid);
const proxyURL = new URL("");
proxyURL.searchParams.set("apiurl", attachmentURL);
const response = await fetch(proxyURL);
const attachmentContent = await response.text();
await app.alert("Attachment text content: " + attachmentContent);


Returns a list of attachments in the given note. Only attachments that are currently referenced in the note will be returned - if an attachment is uploaded to a note then deleted from the note or moved to a different note, it will not be included in the resulting list.


noteHandle identifying the note to list attachments for


Array of attachment objects, or null if the note handle did not identify an existing note

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const attachments = await app.getNoteAttachments({ uuid: noteUUID });
await app.alert(`${ attachments.length } attachments`);


Get the content of backlinks - including surrounding context, as would be shown in the backlinks section of a note - from a specific source note to a specific target note.


target noteHandle identifying the note being linked to

source noteHandle identifying the note that contains the link(s) to the target note


Array of markdown strings, one for each link in the source note that references the target note, including relevant note content context

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const targetNoteHandle = { uuid: noteUUID };
const sourceNoteHandles = await app.getNoteBacklinks(targetNoteHandle);
if (sourceNoteHandles.length > 0) {
const sourceNoteHandle = sourceNoteHandles[0];
const backlinkContents = await app.getNoteBacklinkContents(targetNoteHandle, sourceNoteHandle);
await app.alert(backlinkContents.join("\n\n"));
} else {
await app.alert("Note has no backlinks");


Returns the list of notes that link to the specified note.


noteHandle identifying the note


Array of noteHandles identifying the notes that have links to the specified note

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
let count = 0;
for await (const referencingNoteHandle of app.getNoteBacklinks({ uuid: noteUUID })) {
await app.alert("referencingNoteHandle: " + JSON.stringify(referencingNoteHandle));
await app.alert("count: " + count);


Get the content of a note, as markdown.


noteHandle identifying the note


The content of the note, as markdown.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const markdown = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID });


Get all the inline images in a note (does not include images in Rich Footnotes).


noteHandle identifying the note


Array of image objects

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const images = await app.getNoteImages({ uuid: noteUUID });
await app.alert("image count: " + images.length);


Get a public URL for the note, if it has been published. Note that this call requires internet connectivity.


noteHandle identifying the note


String URL for the published note, or null if the note is not published


If a request to the server fails, e.g. if the client is offline

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const publicURL = await app.getNotePublicURL({ uuid: noteUUID });
await app.alert("public URL: " + (publicURL || "none"));


Gets a list of the sections in a note. Sections are areas of the note delimited by either a heading or a horizontal rule. Sections are identified by the heading (if any) that opens the section, and when relevant, an index to disambiguate between multiple sections with matching headings.


noteHandle identifying the note


An Array of the sections the note is comprised of

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const sections = await app.getNoteSections({ uuid: noteUUID });
app.alert("Section count: " + sections);


Returns the tasks that are present in the specified note.


noteHandle identifying the note to get tasks from. If the note handle identifies a note that does not yet exist, the note will not be created.

options object, with the following optional properties:

includeDone - boolean indicating whether completed and dismissed tasks in the note should be returned in addition to the un-done tasks. Defaults to false.


Array of task objects

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const tasks = await app.getNoteTasks({ uuid: noteUUID });
app.alert(`Note has ${ tasks.length } tasks`);


Returns a full URL for the specified note. This URL can be used to link to the note (and will be detected as a note link in Amplenote editors/views), and can be used to open the note via app.navigate.


noteHandleidentifying the note to get the URL of. If the note handle is for a note that does not yet exist, the note will be created.


String URL of the note.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const noteURL = await app.getNoteURL({ uuid: noteUUID });
app.alert("note URL: " + noteURL);


Get the details of a single task.


UUID String identifying the task


task object, or null if no task with the given UUID exists

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const taskUUID = "e6adcbcb-04dc-4fbd-857e-dbf63a253e7e";
const task = await app.getTask(taskUUID);


Get the list of configured Task Domains for the user.




Array of task domains, each entry an object with the following properties:

name the String display name of the Task Domain

notes an Array of noteHandles, for each note in the Task Domain. This includes notes that are part of the Task Domain due to the tags applied to the note, notes that have been individually specified to be part of the Task Domain, and - for legacy Task Domains - potentially all notes.

uuid the String identifier that uniquely identifies the Task Domain

appOption: async function(app) {
const taskDomains = await app.getTaskDomains();
const descriptions ={ name, notes }) => {
return `${ name } - ${ notes.length } notes`);


Gets the list of tasks that belong to the given task domain. Note that this includes tasks that are not scheduled (on the calendar).


String task domain UUID


Array of task objects describing the tasks in the task domain

Note that this function can return a large amount of data, so it's highly recommended to use an async iterator to reduce the potential for performance impact.

async appOption(app) {
const taskDomains = await app.getTaskDomains();
const taskDomainUUID = taskDomains[0].uuid;
for await (const task of app.getTaskDomainTasks(taskDomainUUID)) {
console.log("task: " + task.uuid);


Inserts content into a note.


noteHandle identifying the note to insert the text into

content: String of markdown-formatted content to insert

(optional) object of additional options, with the following properties:

atEnd boolean indicating that content should be inserted at the end of the note. Defaults to false.




If markdown content is over 100k characters

If the target note is readonly

noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID }, "this is some **bold** text");


Inserts a new task at the beginning of a note. See also: note.insertTask.


noteHandle identifying the note to insert the task into

task object, with the following attributes (all are optional):

content: String of markdown-formatted content to use in the task

hideUntil: Number a unix timestamp (seconds) to use for the "Hide until" time

startAt: Number a unix timestamp (seconds) to use for the "Start at" time


The UUID of the newly created task


If the provided content is not valid in a task (e.g. - a bullet list item)

If note is readonly/locked

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const taskUUID = await app.insertTask({ uuid: noteUUID }, { text: "this is a task" });



Opens the app to the location corresponding tot he given Amplenote app URL. Amplenote app URLs start with Examples:

Jots area: ""

Notes area: ""

Notes list filtered to a tag: ""

Jots area on a specific tag:

A specific note: "" (replacing NOTE_UUID with a specific note's UUID).


url an Amplenote URL string


true if the given url was a valid Amplenote URL and was navigated to, false otherwise

noteOption(app) {


The notes object provides an alternative - and simpler - way to interact with specific notes. Depending on the purpose, it may be preferable than the noteHandle-based functions available on the main app interface. Functions on the notes object return Note interface objects. As with noteHandles, a note interface object may represent a note that does not (yet) exist. Calling any note interface function that requires an extant note will create the note first, if it doesn't already exist.


Create a new note. This is an alternative interface to app.createNote.


name the String to use as the new note's name

tags an Array of String tag names to apply to the new note


Note interface object for the newly created note

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.create("some new note", [ "some-tag" ]);


Gets a note interface for the daily jot note on the day corresponding to the given timestamp.


timestamp unix timestamp Number (seconds) indicating any time on the day the daily jot note should be for


Note interface object for the daily jot note

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const tomorrowTimestamp = Math.floor( / 1000) + 60 * 60 * 24;
const note = await app.notes.dailyJot(tomorrowTimestamp);


Find noteHandles for all notes matching a set of filter criteria. This is an alternative interface to app.filterNotes.


(optional) object describing filter parameters, containing any of the following properties:

group - filter group to apply. This corresponds to the group= query string parameter when viewing and filtering on a specific group or set of groups. Multiple groups can be specified with a , separator.


{ group: "archived" }

{ group: "taskList,archived" }

tag - tag filter to apply. This corresponds to the tag= query string parameter when viewing and filtering on a specific tag or set of tags. Multiple tags can be specified with a , separator - matching notes must have all specified tags. A tag prefixed with ^ will only match notes that do not have the tag.


{ tag: "daily-jots" }

{ tag: "daily-jots,todo" } - matches notes that have the daily-jots tag and the todo tag.

{ tag: "daily-jots,^todo/next" } - matches notes that have the daily-jots tag and do not have the todo/next tag.


An array of noteHandles for all notes that match the filter parameters.

async insertText(app) {
const noteHandles = await app.notes.filter({ tag: "daily-jots" });
return `note count: ${ noteHandles.length }`;


Builds an object that allows you to more concisely call app.* functions for a specific note.


Either one of

uuid the String UUID identifying the note

noteHandle identifying the note


Note interface object for the note, or null if the note does not exist or has been marked as deleted

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);

async noteOption(app) {
const note = await app.notes.find({ name: "some note" });
app.alert(note ? "Note exists" : "Note doesn't exist");


Opens an embed for the plugin (see renderEmbed) in the Peek Viewer, if it is available for the user. If the plugin has already opened a sidebar embed, the existing sidebar embed will be re-rendered by calling renderEmbed again with the latest passed args.


Number aspect ratio to use for embed. Embeds are fully isolated from the hosting application, so they can't be sized dynamically based on the content of the embed (content in the embed is not accessible to the hosting application). Instead, an aspect ratio is supplied here that will be maintained in the embed.

...args arguments that will be passed to the plugin's renderEmbed action


Boolean indicating whether the embed could be opened. Will return false in the mobile app, where there is no Peek Viewer.

appOption(app) {
app.openSidebarEmbed(1, "one", [ 2, 3, 4 ]);
renderEmbed(app, ...args) {
return `<b>got:</b> ${ JSON.stringify(args) }`;

Invoking from quick open (via appOption):

Rendered in Peek Viewer, after selecting plugin in quick open:

See renderEmbed for examples of communicating between an embed and the plugin that rendered it.


Show the user a message and input fields - defaulting to a single text input - receiving the user-selected/user-entered value(s). Similar to app.alert, except that this allows options to be presented in a dialog, and does not allow multiple buttons at the bottom of the window, like app.alert does.


message String to show the user. New lines can be inserted with \n. Unicode characters are supported in output. Markdown isn't supported...yet.

(optional) object describing additional options, containing any of the following properties:

inputs an optional Array of input objects describing the input fields to show. If not provided, a single text input field will be shown (equivalent to inputs: [ { type: "text" } ]).

input object, with the following properties:

label a String to use as a label for the input. Examples: checkbox, select, and text

limit a Number to use as the maximum number of tags that can be selected in a type: "tags" input. If omitted, defaults to 1

options Array of options to use in a type: "select" drop-down input or type: "radio" input each option an object with the following properties:

label the String to show as a label on the input field

value the value corresponding to the option. Will be returned as the result (verbatim) when the user selects the option.

image a String URL of an image to show with the option. Only used in type: "radio" inputs.

placeholder a String to use as a placeholder value for a type: "text" input

type String one of the following values:

"checkbox" a check box field

"note" a field to select a single note from the user's notes list

"radio" a set of radio buttons to select one option from. When specified, the options property should also be provided.

"secureText" a short text field that masks the displayed characters like a password field.

"select" a drop-down select field. When specified, the options property should also be provided.

"string" a single line text input field

"tags" an auto-complete field for the user's tags, in which a single tag can be selected by default, or more can be selected by providing a limit value.

"text" a multi-line text area field

value the initial value for the input. If the user does not change the input, submitting the prompt will use this value. Note that the value must match the value field in one of the options for type: "radio" and type: "select" inputs, or it will be ignored.

actions optional Array of action objects that will be added as buttons on the dialog. Each action object can have the following properties:

icon optional String name of a Material Icon to show on the button

label the String text to show on the button

value optional value (of any basic JS type) that will be returned when the action is triggered, instead of the index in the actions array


null if the user selected "Cancel", or otherwise closed the dialog without pressing "Submit"

If no inputs or actions options are provided

The String text the user entered

If a single inputs option and no actions are provided, one of:

The String text the user entered for a type: "text" or type: "string" input

The String tag text the user selected for a type: "tags" input. If multiple tags are selected, they will be joined with a , to produce a single string.

The value corresponding to the option.value the user selected in a type: "radio" input

The Bool value corresponding to the user's selection for a type: "checkbox" input

The noteHandle of the selected note for a type: "note" input

The value corresponding to the value field of the selected type: "select" option

If multiple inputs are provided, an Array of values corresponding to value selected for each input (in the same order they were specified), followed by a single entry corresponding to the actions entry that the user selected, or -1 if the user pressed the default "Submit" button.

async insertText(app) {
let result = await app.prompt("Enter text");
return result;

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const result = await app.prompt("This is the message", {
inputs: [
{ label: "This is the label", placeholder: "This is the placeholder", type: "text" },
{ label: "This is the label", type: "checkbox" },
{ label: "This is the label", type: "select", options: [ { label: "something", value: 1 }, { label: "other", value: 2 } ] },
{ label: "This is the label", type: "radio", options: [ { label: "something", value: 1 }, { label: "other", value: 2 } ] },
if (result) {
const [ textResult, checkboxResult, selectResult ] = result;
} else {
// User canceled

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const result = await app.prompt("This is the message", {
actions: [
{ label: "Alternative action", value: "alternative" },
{ label: "Another action" },
inputs: [
{ label: "This is the label", type: "text" },
{ label: "This is the label", type: "checkbox" },
if (result) {
const [ textResult, checkboxResult, actionResult ] = result; // `result` will be `null` if user presses "Cancel" button or dismisses popup
// actionResult === "alternative" // if "Alternative action" was pressed
// actionResult === 1 // if "Another action" was pressed (the index of this action in the `actions` array)
// actionResult === -1 // If the default "Submit" button was pressed
} else {
// User canceled


Removes a tag from a note.


noteHandle identifying the note to add the tag to

String text of the tag to remove


boolean indicating whether the tag was removed. In some cases, shared tags cannot be removed from notes - and this will return false. Note that this will return true even if the note did not have the tag - only a failure to remove a tag will result in false.


If the given tag argument is not a string

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const removed = await app.removeNoteTag({ uuid: noteUUID }, "some-tag");
app.alert(added ? "Tag removed" : "Failed to remove tag");


Replace the entire content of a note with new content, or replace the content of a single section of the note (see app.getNoteSectionsfor discussion of sections).


noteHandle describing the note to replace content in

Markdown content String of new content

(optional) object of additional options, supporting the following properties

section object describing the section of the note to replace content in. For sections that start with a heading, the heading will not be replaced, only the content of the section.


bool indicating whether the replacement was performed. Note that the only failure state for a replacement is when a section is specified and that section is not found in the note.


If markdown content is over 100k characters

If the target note is readonly

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const newContent = "**new content**";
await app.replaceNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID }, content);

With a section:

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const newContent = "**new content**";
const section = { heading: { text: "Heading of Section to Replace" }};
await app.replaceNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID }, content, { section });


Save a file.


The Blob/ File object describing the content of the file

String filename to use for the file


A promise that resolves when the request to save the file has been sent. Note that the user may see a prompt to accept/name/save the file, in which case this will resolve as soon as the request has been displayed to the user - it does not wait for the user to actually save the file.

async noteOption(app) {
const file = new Blob([ "some text" ], { type: "text/plain" });
await app.saveFile(file, "test.txt");


Sets a new name for the given note.


noteHandle describing the note to set the name of

String new name for the note


Boolean indicating whether the name could be changed. Generally, the only failure case is if the note handle doesn't identify an extant note.


If the name argument is not a string

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const noteHandle = await app.findNote({ uuid: noteUUID }); // findNote returns a note handle with the `name` attribute included
await app.setNoteName(noteHandle, + " more");


Update the value of a single setting. The value will be synchronized to all of the user's devices. Note that the updated value is not guaranteed to be updated in app.settings before the next invocation of a plugin function (check or run).


String setting name to update, or add

String new value for the setting. Any non-string values (with the exception of null) will be converted to strings.



async appOption(app) {
const count = parseInt(app.settings["counter"] || "0", 10);
await app.setSetting("counter", count + 1);
app.alert("new value: " + count);


An object containing the user-configured settings for the plugin. All values will be strings.

insertText(app) {
return app.settings["Some setting"];

This will insert the string the user has entered for "Some setting", assuming the plugin metadata table includes:


Some setting


Update an image in a specific note.


noteHandle identifying the note to update an image in

image identifying the image to update - only the index and src keys are necessary

object describing the updates to the image, which can contain the properties described in by image, with the exception of the index property


boolean indicating whether the image could be updated


If the given markdown is not valid in an image caption

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const noteHandle = { uuid: noteUUID };
const images = await app.getNoteImages(noteHandle);
for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
const image = images[i];
await app.updateNoteImage(noteHandle, image, { caption: "**new caption**" });


Update the properties or content of a single task.


String UUID identifying the task

object containing (optional) updates to apply to the task. All properties listed for a task are supported, except the uuid


boolean indicating whether the task could be updated. If the given task UUID doesn't correspond to any existing task, will return false

async insertText(app) {
const taskUUID = app.context.taskUUID;
if (!taskUUID) return null; // Cursor is not in a task
await app.updateTask(taskUUID, { completedAt: Math.floor( / 1000) });
return "";


Write to the clipboard. The plugin code execution environment can prevent use of clipboard APIs in some browsers, so this app function is provided for full cross-platform support.


String data to copy to the clipboard. For non-string mime types, should be base64 encoded data.

Optional String mime type of data, defaults to "text/plain". The following mime types are allowed:

"text/plain" - data argument should be the text to copy to the clipboard

"image/png" - data argument should be base64 encoded image data




If an unsupported mime type argument is supplied

If base64 data is not validly base64 encoded

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
await app.writeClipboardData(noteUUID);
await app.alert("Note UUID copied to clipboard");

linkNote interface

The note interface provides a more convenient way to interact with the app interface functions that operate on a specific noteHandle. Note that - like a noteHandle - the note described by the note interface may or may not exist. Calling functions that modify the note content will create the note if it doesn't already exist.


Add a tag to the note. See app.addNoteTag for details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const added = await note.addTag("some-tag");
app.alert(added ? "Tag added" : "Failed to add tag");


Attach a media file (image or video) to the note. See app.attachNoteMedia for more details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
// 1x1 gray PNG (from
const dataURL = "";
const imageURL = await note.attachMedia(dataURL);
app.alert(`ImageURL: ` + imageURL);


Gets a list of attachments in the note. See app.getNoteAttachments for details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const attachments = await note.attachments();
await app.alert(`${ attachments.length } attachments`);


Get the content of backlinks from a specific source note to the note. See app.getNoteBacklinkContents for details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const sourceNoteHandles = await app.backlinks();
if (sourceNoteHandles.length > 0) {
const sourceNoteHandle = sourceNoteHandles[0];
const backlinkContents = await note.backlinkContents(sourceNoteHandle);
await app.alert(backlinkContents.join("\n\n"));
} else {
await app.alert("Note has no backlinks");


Gets the list of notes that link to the note. See app.getNoteBacklinks for details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
let count = 0;
for await (const referencingNoteHandle of note.backlinks()) {
await app.alert("backlinks count: " + count);


Get the content of the note, as markdown. See app.getNoteContent for more details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
app.alert(await note.content());


Delete the note. See app.deleteNote for more details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
await note.delete();


Get all inline images in the note. See app.getNoteImages for more details..

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const images = await note.images();
await app.alert("image count: " + images.length);


Inserts content at the beginning of a note. See app.insertNoteContent for more details.

noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
note.insertContent("this is some **bold** text");


Inserts a new task at the beginning of a note. See app.insertTask for more details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const taskUUID = await note.insertTask({ content: "this is a task" });
} (title)

Get the title of the note.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
app.alert(`This note is named ${ }`);


Get a link to the published version of a note, if the note is published. See app.getNotePublicURL for details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const publicURL = await note.publicURL();
await app.alert("public URL: " + (publicURL || "none"));


Remove a tag from the note. See app.removeNoteTag for details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const removed = await note.removeTag("some-tag");
app.alert(removed ? "Tag removed" : "Failed to remove tag");


Replaces the content of the entire note, or a section of the note, with new content. See app.replaceNoteContent for more details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
await note.replaceContent("**new content**");


Gets the sections in the note. See app.getNoteSections for more details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const sections = await note.sections();
app.alert("Section count: " + sections);


Sets a new name for the note. See app.setNoteName for more details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
await note.setName( + " more");


Returns an Array of tags that are applied to the note.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const tags = note.tags;
app.alert(`Note has ${ tags.length } tags: ${ tags.join(",") }`);


Gets the tasks in the note. See app.getNoteTasks for more details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const tasks = await note.tasks();
app.alert(`Note has ${ tasks.length } tasks`);


Update a specific image in the note. See app.context.updateImage for more details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const images = await note.images();
for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
const image = images[i];
await note.updateImage(image, { caption: "**new caption**" });


Returns the String URL of the note. See app.getNoteURL for more details.

async noteOption(app, noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const noteURL = await note.url();
app.alert(`Note URL: ${ noteURL }`);

linkAppendix I: Types


Describes an attachment in a note. attachment objects can have the following properties:

name the String filename associated with the attachment

type a mime type String describing the content of the attachment

uuid a unique String identifier that can be used to identify the attachment


Describes an image displayed inline in a note. image objects can have the following properties:

caption markdown String describing the content of the image caption

index when there are multiple images in a note with the same src value, the index can be used to disambiguate between the images. This property can not be updated.

src the String source URL of the image

text the String of OCR text recognized in the image

width optional Integer value that is the pixel width the image will be displayed at. The height is set matching the image aspect ratio.


Describes a link, which may include Rich Footnote content. link objects have the following properties:

description markdown String describing the content of the link's Rich Footnote content. Note that the markdown content supported in Rich Footnotes is a subset of the markdown content supported in notes themselves.

href the String that the link is set to link to

Any of these properties may be null, if the link does not have the corresponding value set.


Some app interface functions take a noteHandle argument. Note handles are objects that can identify notes even if they do not yet exist (e.g. future daily jot notes). Calling an app interface function with the noteHandle of a note that does not yet exist is likely to create that note, for example when inserting content into the note.

An individual note that exists in identified by a uuid - however there are some cases where a note may not yet have been acknowledged by the server (e.g. in an extended period of offline usage), in which case the note's uuid may be prefixed with the string "local-" and may change once the note is fully persisted to the Amplenote servers. The local-prefixed uuid can continue to be used on the same client that created the note, even after the note has been fully persisted.

When an app.* interface function returns a NoteHandle object, it will be populated with additional metadata about the note in question, including the following attributes:

created an ISO 8601 datetime string representing when the note was originally created

name the string name (aka "title") of the note. For notes that do not have a name and show up as "untitled note", this will be null, not the string "untitled note".

published a boolean indicating that the note has one or more public links. This attribute is only present when true, otherwise it is elided.

shared a boolean indicating that the note is shared with additional users. This attribute is only present when true, otherwise it is elided.

tags an array of strings representing each tag applied to the note. For notes tagged with child/sub tags, e.g. "top-level/sub-tag", note that this array won't necessarily include "top-level" as a separate entry.

updated an ISO 8601 date-time string representing when the note was last modified

uuid the string identifier of the note

vault a boolean indicating that the note is a vault note. This attribute is only present when true, otherwise it is elided.


Describes a chunk of a note, where each note can be broken up into multiple sections, encompassing entirety of the note's content. A note is divided into sections by using headings and horizontal rules. The first part of a note before any headings appear is considered a section (that has no heading), while content after a horizontal rule is also considered a separate section (also with no heading).

Section objects have the following properties:

heading - will be null if the section does not start with a heading (e.g. if this is the first part of the note before any headings, or a section after a horizontal rule); otherwise, will be an object describing the heading, with the following properties:

anchor - the String anchor that can be used to navigate to the heading in the note

href - a String URL that is linked to from the heading - note only a link at the start of the heading content will be considered - links elsewhere in the heading are ignored.

level - the integer level of the heading (i.e. for H1-H3)

text - the String text of the heading, without any formatting that may be applied (bold/italic/etc)

index - if there are multiple sections with headings that otherwise match (either because they are all heading: null or the text of the heading is the same), sections after the first section will include this integer index of the heading.


"heading": null
"heading": {
"anchor": "Heading_1",
"level": 1,
"text": "Heading 1"

"heading": null
"heading": null,
"index": 1
"heading": {
"anchor": "Heading_1",
"level": 1,
"text": "Heading 1"
"heading": {
"anchor": "Heading_2",
"level": 2,
"text": "Heading 2"
"heading": null,
"index": 2
"heading": {
"anchor": "Heading_3",
"level": 2,
"text": "Heading 3"


Some app interface functions return - or accept - task objects that can have the following properties:

completedAt integer unix (seconds) timestamp describing the (UTC) time at which the task was completed - only present if the task has been completed.

content markdown String describing the content of the task

dismissedAt integer unix (seconds) timestamp describing the (UTC) time at which the task was dismissed - only present if the task has been dismissed.

endAt integer unix (seconds) timestamp describing the (UTC) time at which the task should end. When updating a task, must be after the startAt time of the task - and can not be set for a task that does not have a startAt time set (or provided in the same update call). The seconds between the startAt and endAt times define the duration of the task.

hideUntil integer unix (seconds) timestamp describing the (UTC) time that the task will be hidden until, or null if the task is not hidden.

important boolean indicating if the task is marked as important

noteUUID String uuid identifying the note that the task resides in. Passing this attribute to app interface functions that receive task objects will not have any effect.

score Number corresponding to the total task score attributed to the task at the current moment. Note that this accumulates once daily, depending on interaction with the task and/or note the task is in.

startAt integer unix (seconds) timestamp describing the (UTC) time that the task starts at, or null if the task does not have a start time set.

urgent boolean indicating if the task is marked as urgent

uuid String UUID uniquely identifying this task.

linkAppendix II: Plugin code execution environment

Plugin code is executed in a sandboxed iFrame, preventing direct access to the outer page/application. In the native mobile applications, plugin iFrames are loaded inside an isolated (hidden) WebView, with each plugin iFrame providing isolation from any other plugins that may be loaded.

Plugin code is executed in the user's browser on web and in the system WebView on mobile, so it's worth keeping browser compatibility in mind. There are no polyfills applied in the plugin code sandbox, nor is any processing performed on plugin code.

linkAppendix III: Markdown content

Read all about Amplenote markdown in our dedicated reference page on Plugin API Markdown. This documentation shows how to apply a foreground or background color to markdown text, as well as how to create Rich Footnotes, tables, and other interesting facets of markdown formatting.

Generally, markdown support follows the GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec.

Note that the markdown passed by plugins to the app is somewhat limited as of July 2024, but will continue to be expanded to eventually support all Amplenote features.

linkAppendix IV: Loading external libraries

The plugin execution context is isolated so it can loosen restrictions the application imposes on loading external resources. There are a couple patterns that can be used in plugin code to load external dependencies, depending on how the dependency is packaged.

linkLoading browser builds

The simplest dependency to load is a library that has a browser build. This is a build that can normally be used in a <script> tag - in plugin code a script tag can be appended to the document to load the dependency.

For example, to load the RecordRTC library's browser build:

_loadRecordRTC() {
if (this._haveLoadedRecordRTC) return Promise.resolve(true);
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
script.setAttribute("src", "");
script.addEventListener("load", function() {
this._haveLoadedRecordRTC = true;

A couple things to note in the above code:

The plugin execution context is kept loaded, so the dependency doesn't need to be loaded on every single call to the plugin - only the first call.

The library in question - RecordRTC - will be available as window.RecordRTC because it is packaged up as a browser build.

This can be used in the plugin's actions as:

async insertText(app) {
await this._loadRecordRTC();
// ... remaining plugin code can reference `window.RecordRTC`

linkLoading UMD builds

Dependencies that define UMD modules can be loaded with a small code shim:

async _loadUMD(url, module = { exports: {} }) {
const response = await fetch(url);
const script = await response.text();
const func = Function("module", "exports", script);, module, module.exports);
return module.exports;

Given a dependency that provides a UMD build, the above helper can be used as:

async imageOption(app, image) {
const metaPNG = await this._loadUMD("");
// ... remaining plugin code can use `metaPNG.*`

linkAppendix V: Update history


Q4 2024

October 2024

August 2024

July 2024

June 2024

Add eventOption action

Add width to image type

Adjust app.openSidebarEmbed to re-render when called repeatedly

May 2024 (mobile app version 3.98)

Add taskOption actions

Add created, updated, shared, published, and vault attributes to NoteHandles

Document imporant and urgent attributes of task objects

April 2024 (mobile app version 3.94)

March 22nd, 2024 (mobile app version 3.92)

March 10th, 2024 (mobile app version 3.90)

February 20th, 2024 (mobile app version 3.90)

February 8th, 2024 (mobile app version 3.89)

Add limit option for app.prompt "tags" input type

January 19th, 2024 (mobile app version 3.88)

January 12th, 2024 (mobile app version 3.88)

check functions for replaceText actions can return a string that will be used as the replacement text, instead of the name of the plugin.

app.alert actions entries can include a value that will be returned if the action is selected, instead of the index of the action in the actions array

Add support for actions in app.prompt

Add "string" input type for app.prompt


Dec 2023 (mobile app version 3.87)

check functions for insertText actions can return a string that will be used as the replacement text, instead of the name of the plugin. Example

check functions for dailyJotOption actions can return a string that will be used as the text on the button instead of "Run".

Add "tags" app.prompt input type

Add options.primaryAction to app.alert

Dec 1st, 2023 (mobile app version 3.86)

Add section.heading.href field

Add "secureText" app.prompt input type

November 17th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.86)

November 8th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.84)

October 23rd, 2023 (mobile app version 3.83)

Add task.endAt

October 13th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.83)

Add task.repeat

September 29th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.83)

Add scrollToEnd option to app.alert

September 22nd, 2023 (mobile app version 3.81)

Add app.getNoteURL and note.url

September 18th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.80)

Add linkOption action type

September 8th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.80)

Add app.getTaskDomains

September 4th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.78)

Add and app.context.updateLink

August 28th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.78)

Add app.setSetting

July 31st, 2023 (mobile app version 3.73)

Add noteUUID to task object

June 26th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.71)

Add dailyJotOption action type

Add inputs[i].value option for app.prompt inputs.

Add query option to app.filterNotes

June 15th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.71)

Add support for plugin action check functions, to determine if the plugin should be shown as an option

June 2023 (mobile app version 3.71)

Update app.notes.find to allow either a noteHandle argument or a UUID argument

Add imageOption actions

Add app.context.updateImage

May 22nd, 2023 (mobile app version 3.70)

Add app.saveFile

Add score to task

May 12th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.70)

Add appOption action

Add app.getNoteTasks, app.updateTask, and note.tasks

Include taskUUID in app.context when insertText or replaceText actions are invoked in a task.

April 30th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.67)

Add app.attachNoteMedia

Add type: "radio" to app.prompt

April 18th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.66)

Add app.context.replaceSelection

April 12th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.66)

Rename app.insertContent to app.insertNoteContent - app.insertContent will remain as an alias to support existing plugins using it.

Add options.atEnd to app.insertNoteContent

April 11th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.66)

Add app.getNoteSections/ note.sections

Add app.replaceNoteContent / note.replaceContent

April 7th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.66)

Add { type: "note" } input type to app.prompt

April 6th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.65)

Add app.navigate

March 31st, 2023 (mobile app version 3.65)

Add app.context

Throw exception from insertTask and insertContent when target note is locked/readonly

Handle markdown tables (e.g. "|||\n|-|-|\n|table|content|") in insertContent

March 30th, 2023 (mobile app version 3.65)

Update app.alert to allow for additional action buttons

Update app.prompt to allow for various input types

Removes options.placeholder from app.prompt

March 28th, 2023

Add options.preface to app.alert

Add options.placeholder to app.prompt

March 9th, 2023

insertText changed to insertContent, handling markdown content

insertTask text attribute changed to content, handling markdown content