Publish blog posts more consistently

This goal is associated with the accountability topic: "Writing, Blogging & Substack"

Active, ongoing
Every 30 days
1 active
No meetings

This year, I want to write more consistently. Since blog writing is a bit of a new habit to me, I want to publish a blog post once every month. This will allow me to grow my Substack and improve my writing prowess, while not overwhelming myself with having to write too much. I want to post every month, even if I'm unhappy with how the blog post looks at this point.

The goal is to get into the habit of publishing, quality will come after practice.

General goal: Publish a blog post every month / publish 12 blog posts this year

Recommended habits to achieve this goal

  • Write for at least 30 minutes every day
  • Have a rough draft ready ~every 7 days
  • Save your blog ideas to an Amplenote note whenever they pop into your mind
  • Publish on a consistent date (for example, I want to post every month on the 1st, but you could post every first Monday of the month)
  • Share your blog with friends, family, and your socials

Goal Activity

Matheus Felipe marked progress on Publish blog posts more consistently Received 2 coins

I published two posts this week. I don't think I'll be able to maintain this schedule in the future due to my hectic schedule and classes starting once again. I'll maintain the goal of posting once per month, though.

Completed 18 days ago

Goal Conversation

I decided to change my goal to post twice a month. The second post is optional, though. That means that I won't need to post it if my schedule is extremely hectic. However, I want to post bi-monthly to build the writing muscles and push myself to pump out new content.

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Accountability Goal: "Publish blog posts more consistently"

Created about 2 months ago by Matheus Felipe


Joined about 2 months ago