David Sullivan
Member since January 2023
About Me

Instead of having no where to put random notes besides Word documents, using Todoist for tasks, Sunsama for timeboxing, and Dropbox for archiving all the random Word docs I need for reference I’m here using Amplenote to do all of that.

Desired Collaborations

Mentorship/Coaching: philosophy, techniques, processes, and measurement of growth.

Total Notes And Tasks

~1000 & ~200 (open across AN and legacy systems)

Productivity Tactics

1. Daily Fitness: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual all contribute to maintaining clarity. Working out gives your body what it needs by way of hormones. Meditation gives your mind what it needs to be self-directed. Bible reading and prayer reconnect you to God.
2. Daily Reflect & Plan: it takes whatever time it takes - accept it and then do it. Lot's of ways to do this. The routine described by BASB works for me.
3. Be a good parent to yourself. If you saw a child who had worked hard all day and was struggling to transition into rest you wouldn't start reminding them of everything didn't get done and imply that they hadn't earned the right to go to sleep. But that's exactly what we do to ourselves at night when we try to stay up and "get a few more things checked off". Stop it. Be kinder to yourself and sleep.
4. BONUS: Think of the Peek Viewer as a protected, persistent workspace. Actively work on your Current Note in the Peek Viewer so that you can use the search function to display the support materials from other notes in your collection without losing your place in the Current Note.

Long Term Goals Completed

Ever? Started a family. Started my own business. Lost 30% of my body weight.
In 2022? Implemented habits from Positive Intelligence with the help of a coach. Started raising chickens. Began formally using my skills as a facilitator to support my close friends and my church.

World Class

Coaching Entrepreneurial Leadership Teams so they can get everything they want from their businesses.
Coaching average people clarify their calling and develop their God-given potential.

Favorite City

Smoky Mountains National Forest in Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Favorite Quote

I pummel my body and make it a slave lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. 1 Cor. 9:26

How Best To Contact Me


Open to contact from other members?

Amplenote is slowly replacing Evernote, Todoist & Sunsama in my workflow.

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