Organizing my chaotic mind into something we can work with.
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Appreciating the Art of Living with
Growth and evolution are the forefronts of existence.
We ride the scalar waves with style!
~ Engaging the Flow State ~
If you'd like to talk about how you engage in the Flow State and how it affects your life, send me a message!
1. Stay curious while focused.
Embrace the journey the mind can take wandering about - write down discoveries and keep the focus clear! Write down new ideas as they happen and investigate them when there's more time, to stay focused on the task at hand while also embracing a curious mind.
2. Stay Driven.
Create frameworks in the notes, things to easily reference later.
Writing SOPs, among tasks and goals will help keep the mind focused and driven toward them.
Naturally, jarring moments in life may occur. Anything can happen out here! Frameworks are to refresh the mind with how to operate and stay driven toward goals.
3. Have Fun!
Enjoy the life - it's all we've really get to have!
Of course, not everything is meant to be enjoyable, but that doesn't mean that "fun has to be eliminated".
By shifting the mind's perspective toward Eutierria, one may find a sense of beauty in virtually anything.
Practicing Stoicism & Gratitude may lead to blissful Eutierria.
- Started a YouTube channel (Thanks to Amplenote!)
Magnetism is the next frontier.
New York Metropolitan Area
"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." - Albert Einstein
I've tried many other notes apps, but Amplenote is so forgiving to my chaotic mind, it's like another world in here. The simplicity in the note structure prevents me from wandering too deep and getting lost - keeping me on track with what I'm really doing. Plus, it is conveniently the BEST tasks app I've found as well!
Organizing my thoughts and schedule together?
I feel way more productive in the past 4 months using Amplenote than in the past 10 years living scrambled without it...