I have noticed with the function "Mail to Note" that not the whole mail is stored and certainly no file attachments are taken over.
With mail to note for a list item this will probably not be possible, but with an own note it should be possible, so incl. file attachments.
+1 for me; (from a long time EN user - now a convert to AmpleNote) would be great to be able to forward emails including attachments, right into AN. Additional details as outlined by Curtis Long sound great to me also. Thank you.
It would be great for attachments to be included and for images to come through intact and inline. Also, forwarded emails would be immensely easier to read if hyperlinks came through as hyperlinks and were not converted to plain links.
2 Apr 2024 Update: File attachments are now included in emails sent to Amplenote, so that's a big improvement. Images still come through as multi-line links rather than images, making the resulting notes extremely difficult to read and digest. (If I want to have email with images appear as a note, I take multiple screenshots of it and copy/paste them into the note...which is a serious hassle compared to Evernote Webclipper.) And hyperlinks still come through as hyperlinks and are not converted to plain links.
I'm looking heavily to convert from EN to Amplenote, but one essential item in my normal workflow is the capture of emails over to my EN account. This is something that I constantly do, and I haven't found a way to be able to incorporate email capture into Amplenote. For now, I do this via: 1) the EN web clipper (from Gmail, for example), 2) app integration from Outlook, or the one I use the most 3) app integration from Spark Mail. In either of these options, I have a choice of which notebook to send the email capture to.
Amplenote looks like a compelling option to switch from Evernote, however, until there is a good way to capture from emails I can't switch over.
User #156795
I concur. This would be super helpful! I used this all the time when I using ClickUp.
I wrote the following in an AutoHotKey script (AutoHotKey is a free download). It will present a dialog box so you can apply categories to the subject, then forward the email to your AmpleNote email address, then delete the email. My outlook is configured to show me the BCC line, so that may require adjusting (number of tabs). Mcob is one category, and Pers is another. Within that I have the David Allen / GTD suggested categories. The other functions mentioned there (Y, U, ; ) are useful too, but don't really apply to the context of this post. Attachments stay, but end up on the end of the note (that's an issue the AmpleNote folks may / may not address). If you download and install AutoHotKey, then run this script, and then press WindowKey+e, you see how it works.
; Language: English
; Author: Ken Short
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
;SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
;WindowKey and
; Y to insert date YYYY-MM-DD - for adding todays date
; U to upload a file into AmpleNote by sending it as an attachment to an email
; ; to add a date time stamp whereever you'd like to
; E to forward selected email to AmpleNote and delete it
;setting up for different users; need different email for each person
If A_UserName = YourWindowsLoginName
; setting different delays
FormatTime, todaysDate, , MM/dd/yyyy
;---------------------------- Window Key E to forward an email to AmpleNote
Gui, font, s14, ariel
Gui, Add, Text,, Enter first tag - p m:
gui, add, text,, Enter second tag a c w m p r:
gui, add, text,, Enter third tag:
gui, add, text,, Enter date if not today:
gui, add, edit, vtag1 ym
gui, add, edit, vtag2
gui, add, edit, vtag3
gui, add, edit, vNoteDate
gui, add, button, , Send_to_AN
Gui, show, autosize x300 y200
gui, submit
gui, destroy
if tag1=p
if tag2=a
if tag2=c
if tag2=w
if tag2=m
if tag2=p
if tag2=r
if tag2=
if tag3<>
if NoteDate=
NoteDate=%A_YYYY%-%A_MM%-%A_DD% -
sleep %sp%
WinActivate Inbox
WinWaitActive Inbox
sleep %sp%
send ^f
sleep %sp%
sleep %lp%
WinWaitActive FW
sleep %sp%
sleep %sp%
send %AmpleNoteAddress%
sleep 100
send {tab}
sleep %sp%
send {tab 2}
sleep %sp%
send {home}
sleep %sp%
send %NoteDate%
sleep %sp%
send {space}
sleep %sp%
send {end}
sleep %sp%
;send {space}
sleep %sp%
;send @MyFiles
sleep %sp%
send {space}
sleep %sp%
sendRAW %tag1%%tag2% %tag3_1%
sleep %sp%
send {tab 2}
sleep %sp%
msgbox ready to send
send ^{enter}
sleep %mp%
send ^d
sleep %mp%
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