Markdown for forum posts & goal updates

When you participate in the Amplenote Social message forums, accountability goals, or direct messaging systems, you'll have the opportunity to interact with community members.

All of these communications allow communication via markdown (input in plain text). Forums and goals allow public note tokens to be used to communicate richer text.

linkInterpreting plain text as markdown

Here is a reference to invoking formatting via markdown. Some of the key points:

Inserting an image: ![Image alt text]( How to get the URL for an image?

Applying bold text: I just love **bold text** translates to "I just love bold text"

Block quotes: > I am quoted material

linkInserting richer text via public tokens

When communicating in forums and posting new goals, it's also possible to specify a public note token, which allows inserting any type of content that can be inserted within a published note for Unlimited+ subscribers.