Amplenote Currency ("coins")

Amplenote Social allows users to earn coins by undertaking various avenues as described below. Coins have no real monetary value, but you can redeem them for an assortment of benefits as described in the table on this page.

linkTrading coins for perks

These perks are subject to change at any time without prior notice. As of early 2025, coins are an experimental project designed to give number-minded community members a reason to follow through on the goals they set.




Post to promo forums


Sticky promo post (1 day atop list)


T-shirt mailed within US


T-shirt mailed to EU or Japan


Free month of Pro


Free month of Unlimited


Four hours of programmer time

We plan to continue to add to the table of perks over the course of 2025. Feel free to drop us a line at our support inbox if you have ideas for other non-monetary items that you would like to receive?

linkEarning coins

We are in the process of implementing a handful of different paths through which coins can be earned.

linkSubscription coins

Every month that passes, Amplenote subscribers earn a baseline number of coins. Initially, the monthly coin allocation will be:

Subscriber level

Coins granted per month







linkDaily coin redemption

Every day that you visit the Amplenote Social home page, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and click a button to earn 10 coins.

Redeeming daily coins for Founder-level subscriber

Coins received daily vary from 5 for Personal users, up to 20 for Founders.

linkAccountability Goal follow-through

As described on the Accountability Goals Overview page, you can wager up to 100 coins per goal that you pursue. Every month that you stay on track, completing a goal on or before its due date, you will receive a 20% "interest" payment on the amount you wagered.

If you fail to follow-through on the goal, the coins that you committed to the goal will be forfeited.

linkUnlimited & Founder subscriber appreciation reactions

When you post to the forums, or you post an update for a goal that you're pursuing, other logged in community members can apply reactions to your posts. When you receive positive reactions from Founder or Unlimited subscribers, you will earn coins for these "virtual high-fives" that can range from 5-10 coins per upvote.